Family Resources
United Way offers a variety of assistance programs, including rent and utility bill pay assistance, home rehab grants and parent support groups. Select this link to view the entire list of services: You may also speak with a Community Care Advocate, by dialing 2-1-1 from your mobile phone or visit their website:
CCRT Pontiac (Catholic Community Resource Team)
Barbara Williams
Office: 248-499-9621 personal cell 248-408-4215.
office is in Pontiac Housing Commission bldg on Franklin blvd
(see their info on facebook CCRT Pontiac)
- 6-800$ for down payment assistance
- Food (delivery too)
- Furniture
COVID RESPONSE ASSISTANCE: for emergencies: (food delivery, and other services for families)
Beaumont – can provide rent and utility bill pay assistance, etc…
Emergency Bill Pay Assistance
Society of Saint Vincent DePaul in the Archdiocese of Detroit
3000 Gratiot Avenue Detroit, MI 48207
(877) 788-4623 Intake – follow instructions to select your area and leave detailed message
Oakland County Rent Help
Having trouble paying your rent or utilities due to COVID? Help is available for eligible Oakland County renters!
Apply Today:
Or call: 888-441-1742
Lighthouse: 46156 Woodward Avenue Pontiac, MI 48342 Intake: 248-335-1950
248-920-6000 ext. 1- Housing and shelter
Grace Centers of Hope: 35 East Huron St. Pontiac, MI 48342
(Transitional Housing – Year-Long Life Skills Program)
Intake: 855-435-7424 or [email protected]